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Letter Openers

Promote your brand on our practical multi-use letter openers. Letter openers is an essential tool in your office. Giftwrap's opener is a multi-use letter opener and can be used as a letter opener, ruler or bookmark. This lightweight, durable plastic letter opener makes a thoughtful gift for any occasion. It reduces the chance of important documents being torn while opening. It gives the impression of sophistication and class. Available in a wide range of colours with a customizable sticker option. Efficiently opens letters and packages. Slim size takes up little space on a desk top or in a drawer. Can be customized according to your preferences. It can also contain your business name and details. So it can be used as a promotional gift. It is made from eco-friendly material. Giftwrap provides the best quality product with high durability. It is a simple tool that prevents paper cuts on your fingers. The letter opener helps you open envelopes quickly and safely. This opener cuts paper clean and there is no tearing. It is easy to use. You just have to slip opener under letter flap and simply push forward. Try out the new plastic opener by Giftwrap and influence people.