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Safety Bibs

Giftwrap offers high visibility safety clothing to be safe in dangerous working environments. Survive the elements while being seen in Safety bibs and safety vests. It is a chance to get high visibility apparel in various colors made for comfort and safety while working. You will have the chance to be seen and be safe wearing Giftwrap's general purpose high visibility safety bibs. The Marshall vest can be printed and is available in various colours. It can be modified using pad printing or silkscreen printing. Another safety bib is Mesh rib. It is made from 100% Mesh polyester fabric with Reflective tape and Adjustable straps. Available in colours orange and yellow. Basic Safety Bib is 100% Polyester Safety bib with reflective tape on front and back and adjustable straps. It is easy to care. It can be designed as you like using embroidery and Printing. It is available in 2 colours yellow and orange. Highway waistcoat is made from 100% Polyester with ID pocket, full zip front, front and back reflective tape. It also can be customized using embroidery or printing. The safety bibs by Giftwrap allows you to be seen, as well as feel secure.